
Learn the Moves:
The Dance You Were Never Meant to Learn


Dance Stance:
Stand with your legs shoulder length apart. Lean slightly back. Tilt your head back. Roll your eyes, scowl, smile, and interact with other dancers.


Take the Heat:
In your dance stance, place your arms out front of you, palms up, bent from the elbow, perpendicular to your body.  Then, rhythmically move your fingers toward you, in a beckoning motion,  like you’re saying ‘come over here’ or ‘bring it on’.  Length: For 4 beats in line dance mode or as much as feels right in freestyle.


Dodge the Bullets:
In your dance stance, feet planted on the ground, rhythmically swing your upper body/torso from side-to-side, originating from the hips. Length: For 4 beats in line dance mode or as much as feels right in freestyle. Start towards the right.


Drill for Oil:
In your dance stance,  with the palms of your hands slightly cupped, raise one shoulder at a time almost up to your ear, and then drill down with your palm, in a spiral motion. Raise your other shoulder to your ear as your first arm is moving down. Length: For 4 beats in line dance mode or as much as feels right in freestyle.  Start with your right arm.


Trade the Arms:
In your dance stance, hold your arms out front of your body, making the ‘thumbs up’ sign with both arms.  Then proceed to move one arm at a time, still thumbs up, over your shoulder as if you’re hitching a hike. Length: For 4 beats in line dance mode or as much as feels right in freestyle.  Start with your right arm.


Tear the Flag:
In your dance stance, angle yourself a quarter turn, your left leg resting about 18 inches in front of your right leg,  with your hands made into fists.  Then as if you’re pounding dough, punch downward, one arm at a time. Length: For 4 beats in line dance mode or as much as feels right in freestyle.  Start with your right arm.


Sling the Gun:
From the same position as Tear the Flag, left leg in front of right, standing at a slight angle, point your index finger like a gun, starting from about hip height.  Then in a rhythmic, jerking motion, originating from the elbow, raise your right forearm up till your thumb almost touches your shoulder, your index finger pointing to the sky. Length: For 4 beats in line dance mode or as much as feels right in freestyle.


As a line dance/routine:
Stand with your other line dancers in a line, and perform the moves in unison, four beats per move (try counting 1,2,3,4 and starting to the right on side-to-side moves), until after Sling the Gun. You reach the finale by moving your sling-the-gun-hand into a salute (2 beats), and the salute into a point (arm stretched in front of you - also 2 beats). Try mixing up your positioning.  If you have lots of people, it works great to have two lines of people facing off with each other, performing the moves, while one or two people solo their way down between the two lines.  Take turns soloing.


Holywardancepartying can be taken to the next level by performing the moves freestyle while reading books, talking on cellular, or pretty much during any everyday activity.  The more unusual the dance circumstance, the more advanced the dance.

Special Notes:
To learn how to use your dance as a peace weapon, Pull the Trigger

Bilingual? Translate the instructional moves and send them to us to help spread the dance.  Please have your translations double checked to ensure they are clear and correct.

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